Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thursday: SEX Gathering

So while I was busy completing my experiment reports, which were due a horrible few days ago, something thrust a clean, neatly folded piece of A4 paper, stapled in the middle, towards me.

President of Awesome,
Basketball Court, 88300,
Kota Kinabalu.


Upper 6 Science,
Pre-U Block,
2nd Floor, 88300,
Kota Kinabalu.

Dear member of Self-Expression Session-X (SEX)

You are invited to attend the SEX one in a lifetime gathering at the stated address on 16/4/2011 from about 9-11pm.

2. The objective of the gathering is to give you the opportunity to express your inner feeling towards one another. This is also to tighten the bond between members. This is important to maintain a good friendship.

3. Hope you can attend the gathering and enjoy yourself. Please reply your answer to the monitor of Upper 6 Science, Ding Dang (In Chinese). Thank You.


( President of Awesome )
President of Awesome.

I'm not sure how to describe my feelings upon receiving such a letter.

The members, if no new members were grafted in or anyone kicked out, are the President of Awesome, Ding Dang (aka Doraemon), Jud, Feng, Chyng, Botak, Liang Zai, Leaf (President's girlfriend) & myself. I'm not using nicknames because we'd agreed on them or whatever. I just don't feel comfortable using their real names. It's not that this group is private or a secret, but... It just doesn't feel right to be parading about it.

Still, it feels good. I'm cautious, & maybe overtly suspicious of the possibility that this might end up something solid, but I cannot deny that it feels good. I'd call it an honor, being invited into a pack of most influential Sixth Formers, if it wasn't that forming cliches like this one is really not healthy. Unless it isn't what I think it is. Other than the Head Prefect & the Genius, we have basically the loudest, the most popular, the most feared, the most active, the prettiest, the smartest, the most social, of Sixth Formers in there.

What am I saying. We have? As though the pack owns its members now. Till Saturday, then! If my mum lets me stay out with them until 11.

Today was pretty good. My period came while I was in school, early in the morning. After that, my appetite went from that of a fat boy in Wonka's factory to that of a Girl's Generation girl- HOORAY!...


1. Kuih.
2. Kuih.
3. Coffee + Milk + No Sugar
4. Cold nescafe drink.
5. :D

I borrowed Twilight from the library today too, but I couldn't read it properly. Maybe it's because I'm already biased against it. But it really seemed like something I'd love & write when I was fourteen- pitiful outcast girl who can't fit into society but somehow still manages to be slim & attractive & intelligent, so much so that she attracts the attention & soon, undying love of a tall, skinny, boyish, beautiful, handsome, strong, powerful vampire boy.

Oh, yeah, wish I was Bella.

Not to mention her name. Isabella Swan. If I were still fourteen, then I think I'd have totally worshiped this book.

Then again, I'm a jealous girl who hates when her ideas get published first by other people. So, probably not, tee hee.

Signed, Carmelia.

Feeling, weird.
Thinking, I've only till 7.50 on the computer so better hurry up. Mei wanna watch her Autumn Concerto thingy online.

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