Monday, October 3, 2011


I decided to stay up studying. On the computer for music, the air con for comfort, and a glass of water to keep me hydrated. CHEMISTRY ALL THE WAY!


So here are some compliments I've received throughout my life. I don't remember exactly the nice things said, but more or less the idea is there :D

Apparently, I

1. Am able to appreciate a lot of things well. Little things & big, meaningful thing that people don't notice.

2. Am not gossipy or nosy.

3. Am innocent. And dumb. But in a nice, innocent way.

4. Have a very cute dimple in my chin. As opposed to someone calling my chin a butt-chin or a double-chin. Wth.

...Well, that's it. All the stuffs I think are worth typing out here. :) Not much, but they mean something. And there are loads of others, by different people who thought they were making casual comments but in reality, sobs. Hearts.

Someone just told me, yesterday, that it's because of me they continue playing the guitar. That it's because of me they speak English well (something like that). That I make them forget what it was they wanted to say, & that they'll never forget me.



Try having all that said sincerely to your face and NOT feel like crying.

Signed, Carmelia.

Feeling, lala.
Thinking, now I know how to make people cry. NGEHEH.

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