Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tuesday; Pig-Out!

Okay, so I have no idea what today's highlight is. Staying back for MUET speaking practice? Getting to know how we did for Speaking yesterday? Chemistry lesson?
For me, what totally made up my mood was how much I ate.
; Warm green tea- perfectly fine.
; Oat- Not that fine, but still, healthy.
; Wholemeal bread sandwiching Hoko spread & Peanut Butter & Jam- I tried to resist, but couldn't. So I made a few, cutting everything into small, cute little pieces, so that I can bring some to school, & also for mei to eat in the car.

; Sandwich- From my tapau. I didn't finish everything though, I'd given most of them to my friends.
; Porridge!- Don't ask why I had it. I don't know, maybe I was hungry, maybe I felt jealous that other people could eat & I couldn't shouldn't.
; Kuih- The green, pancake thing, rolled up with coconut thingy inside.
; Little cake- Steamed, with some chocolate thingy inside. Quite small... But it was condensed XS

After School!
; Doughnuts times 2- Okay, honestly I don't remember having this. I am really not sure. Maybe it's because I'd stood there for quite some time, wondering whether to buy them or not. Hm. I think I didn't have these. Not sure. What the heck, just put them in.
; Fried Mee Hoon- THIS IS THE STUPID !#%^&**&% I shoudn't have had. I'm sure I wasn't feeling HUNGRY at the time.
Well, frankly speaking, I don't know what hungry feels like now. Whether it's hunger, or just cravings.
At any rate, it tasted so good T___T I think what made me buy it (the last serving of mee hoon, can you believe my luck? Bad or good, it's still up for debate, though) was remembering that it was Nigel's lunch last Friday. It looked good, it smelt good, & Nigel had it. Clincher much! Okay, pathetic, but it really looked good that Friday afternoon.
; Doughnuts times three- These I DEFINITELY had. Because after these, I felt so bad & angry at myself- it dragged on until around... six, seven?
But I love doughnuts so much T___T BUT I'M ON A FRIGGIN DIET, CARMELIA. But but you need to eat- BUT NOT DOUGHNUTS!
How about: I can have doughnuts whenevr I finish a section of Math? :D Okay, forget it. Just typing it out makes me feel all blahhh.
After that, I didn't have anything. It helped to be on Tumblr! I wanted to go jogging, but it stated raining D: So it was Tumblr, Tumblr, Tumblr- Not sitting on a chair, just kinda crouching, telling myself, in a minute I'll go DDR, in a minute, in thirty seconds- Obviously, two hours passed like that before I actually got down to DDR. Like, pshawww, duh.
Tumblr makes me want to lose weight, so I don't consider it a waste of time. All those pretty, beautiful, slim, pettie, tiny, delicate girls... heart! Also, it makes me happy & inspired- to write, to draw, to colour, to be nice, to be strong, to live, to seize the day! I might straightaway rush out to start doing a hundred jumping jacks or paint my shoes or whatever, but at least the inspiration grows inside me :D
I tried to C-Walk a little. The basic V is pretty simple- I practiced a little to Justin Ellis' Drumma Boy (Hooked on this song recently, but it's wearing off) & now a small part of the sole of my left foot is a little raw from the chaffing, even though I wore socks.
Raw. Reminds me of Saturday night.
Anyhow, Tumblr-ed somemore & got addicted reblogging posts from this Phillipine girl's Tumblr profile. MAN I LOVE TUMBLR. Fun fact: Tumblr's creator is a cute guy. Emphasis on cute! :D It's interesting because because, uhm, people who create stuff like Facebook, Myspace, Google, Yahoo- Not really cute, teenager guy types. But Tumblr? :D Goes to show how Tumblr owns, dude B) Yes, I'm a convert. Tumblr! *waves flag*

Wow. I was tired before I started this post. I only began typing because I wanna be commited to this blogiary thingy, for Nigel, in case he wants to know how my day went.
& I benefit too! I get to look back on everything that has happened. I need to learn to be more consistent with my views, thoughts, feelings...
I'd like to talk some more about how my mum's mood affects me, how much I'm into Organic Chemistry now, how well Cikgu Goh teaches God's style of teaching suits me, how pa's in Sarawak for the election, how tomorrow's going to be another long day, how I wanna bake today- I might bake tomorrow morning, if I wake early enough! And I'd looked at the clock a few minutes ago. SHOCKER. It's already ten fifteen

Signed, Carmelia.
Feeling, worried.
Thinking, I hope Jona isn't offended by me. Maybe I should be a more proper girl- But that isn't me. EDIT: I'D TYPED SO MUCH MORE BUT IT'S ALL GONE NOW SOBS SOBS SOBS. Concerning Yii Chyng giving me stuff & Ashrul's trick on me that I fell for & the shriek I sounded that was totally humiliating.

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