Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Stuff I wanna do! INSTANTANEOUS TYPE OUT NO DELETES (Other than spelling mistakes)

1. Dye my hair red.
2. Learn bass.
3. Learn drum.
4. Record in a studio.
5. Write my own songs.
6. Write a book.
7. Write many books.
8. Produce comic series.
9. Learn the art of making people laugh.
10. Learn how phone works and how to fix them.
11. Maintain a good blog.
12. Take many many pictures.
13. Learn to cook lasagna.
14. Learn to cook many things from scratch.
15. Know the difference between Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin and all those classical music people.
16. Improve spelling.
17. Improve vocabulary.
18. Finish reading the bible.
19. Finish reading the dictionary.
20. Spend an entire day at the library.
21. Learn to make awesome chocolate lava cake.
22. Lose 10 kilgrams.
23. Have a kick-ass body.
24. Take pictures of kick-ass body in a tasteful manner and post on Tumblr.
25. Maintain a good Tumblr blog.
26. Be Tumblr famous-ish.
27. Be super fan of Studio Ghibli.
28. Visit Studio Ghibli museum in Japan.
29. Visit Venice.
30. Have safsdafsadfsexasdfdsfsdaf in Venice (This is totally random but like I said I'm not deleting anything. Afterthought: Hopefully you are all, you know. Of age. After-after-thought: Hiding the word.)
31. Learn Jazz.
32. Go clubbing.
33. Go to a club & just sit there & look cool.
34. Paint walls. Paint many walls.
35. Draw on sidewalks.
36. Practice typing so that I type very very fast.
37. Get a tattoo on my wrist.
38. Have a feather necklace.
39. Own a dog, a cute little furry one or a super huge Doberman/Alsatian that can protect me.
40. Have an awesome room that people talk about after they leave it.
41. Learn to make videos.
42. Post videos on Youtube and be a totally famous-ish Youtuber.
43. Have an account in 4Chan.
44. Go wall climbing.
45. GO swimming in the sea- BUT the sea has to be transparent & clear with no rubbish.
46. Perm my hair into gorgeous curls.
47. Find a look that suits me wearing a beanie.
48. Learn Ta Chi.
49. Learn karate.
51. Wear a tuxedo.
52. Learn to roller-skate.
43. Learn to draw animals.
44. Be notoriously famous for an insanely cheerful nature.
45. Learn boxing so I can punch guys and it'll actually hurt.
46. Be so thin it's difficult to look fat.
47. Jump on a guy's back and shock him to death.
48. Cosplay.
49. Make a video for one of my favorite songs. An MV.
50. Learn to control my own emotions to a certain extent.
51. Travel all around Sabah.
52. Make really nice toffee candy, or caramel candy, or the yellow glacial candy.
53. Bake cupcake that are awesome and sell- at very low prices.
54. Wear those black rimmed, cool hipster glasses.
55. Have a sleepover where I won't give a damn about eating in bed.
56. Learn to draw alphabets of Gothic fonts, free hand.
57. Learn to C-Walk
58. Learn to shuffle.
59. Learn to dance.
60. Learn to do cartwheels.
61. Know loads and loads about my country's history & current issues.
62. Give someone a piece of my mind and look cool doing it.
63. Make a meal for people so awesome that they wouldn't know it's vegetarian.

I'm too lazy to continue.

Signed, Carmelia.

Feeling, meh.
Thinking, I should be sleeping.