Saturday, June 4, 2011

If I have children. When I have children.

I want to...

1. ...tell them bedtime stories every night, especially bible stories.

2. ...bring them to their grandparents, for overnight stays.

3. ...bring them visiting relatives often.

4. ...draw & paint vegetables & fruits & whatever we can find in the house with them.

5. ...encourage them to take up musical instruments.

6. ...keep the telly as low profile as possible, if we have one at all.

7. ...furnish the house with bookshelves & books & books & books.

8. ...encourage them to learn self-defense.

9. ...pray with them every chance I get- before meals, before bed, in the mornings, during difficult times.

10. ...always apologize to them if I have gone back on my word, been too harsh on them, misunderstood them, misbehaved.

11. my best to always seem to be on daddy's side with serious issues, even when I don't agree with him.

12. to them straight about sex & relationships.

13. ...address problems & suspicions directly, even if it hurts.

14. ...encourage them not to eat meat.

15. ...prepare a duty roster at home.

16. crafts & puzzles with them at home.

A lot of things I want. Of course, we'll never know what happens, or if I'd be able to achieve all these. But at least I have aims.

I know how parents become disappointed in their children. & I don't expect to be the perfect parent, and to bring up the perfect children. Every child is unique. I expect them to have qualities I am not that fond of, or don't understand.

There'll always be someone else inside them that is not for me- I am not bringing up the children for myself, to make myself proud or to take care of me in my old age.

I am bringing them up for their future husbands or wives, their future families. I am acting as caretaker to do what I can for them so they can serve & love God.

Perhaps the most important thing to remember is that, I must surrender them daily to God.

These are all talk, obviously. I am not yet a mother. I will not start to know anything about being one until I am one.

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