Saturday, June 4, 2011

Stuff I learnt from reading Princess Diaries:

(1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10 anyway)

(yes i know Nigel it sucks not to read 1 through to 10)

1. Major Histocompatibility Complex. This stuff is Science.

2. Girls can be very, very weird- In fact, they're supposed to be, or something.

3. Find a guy with whom you can talk & laugh & argue about stupid stuff with- Not a popular heart-throb who drives luxury cars & gets wasted with friends every other party night.

4. Cats eat socks.

5. Not being physically endowed in the chest area is a blessing in disguise.

6. You do NOT, ever, get with your bestfriend's ex-boyfriend.

7. When a guy signs love at the end of a note or on a normal-ish greeting card, be very alert.

8. Even girls like Lana Weinberger can turn out to be pretty cool- if not still vain- best friends.

9. When a guy tells you he loves you, & you don't feel the same, it's okay to just say thank you gracefully, & not end up in a relationship with him.

10. It's very difficult to get published.

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